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Pivot to a Smart Urban Future

在过去的几年里,我们见证了技术从想象到实现的演变. 杰森式的飞行汽车和个人助理机器人似乎不再遥不可及. 就连《AG平台》的未来视频通话也已经过时了,现在甚至还不到2019年! Just this week, 优步宣布了他们最新的飞行拼车设计计划, co-developed by...



May 11, 2018

在过去的几年里,我们见证了技术从想象到实现的演变. 杰森式的飞行汽车和个人助理机器人似乎不再遥不可及. Even Bladerunner’s futuristic video call is outdated at this point and it’s not even 2019!

就在本周,优步宣布了他们更新的设计计划 flying rideshare vehicles,由美国宇航局共同开发,他们预计到2023年可以投入商业运营. Google Duplex’s recent AI phone system 本周,这名人工智能助手在电话里用“嗯”和“嗯”来安排约会,这让图灵测试相形见绌.

我们想象力的极限再次受到挑战,这标志着我们当前框架的显著破坏. 我们把这段转型时期称为“支点”,因为我们相信,推进区块链等技术解决方案, AI, AV’s, 5G, AR/VR将改变我们所知道的世界,没有回头路.

Paving the way with Autonomous Vehicles

Within the mobility sector, 当我们驾车驶向未来时,对自动驾驶汽车的期待占据了主导地位. 虽然大多数讨论都集中在自动驾驶汽车的安全性和技术上, 我们相信自动驾驶汽车在我们城市的整合将会是 just as complex as cities themselves. While AV’s will change the way we transport people as well as goods,这种下一代的流动性将产生连锁反应 peripheral systems, ranging from cybersecurity to fast food. What will AV’s mean for the future of parking garages? These structures are often built on high value lots, but as AV’s park themselves in a much denser fashion, we may be able to reduce the number of existing lots dedicated to cars. What else could we use these structures for in the future? As for the physical streets, 预计自动驾驶汽车的影响将超出路边,蔓延到人行道上. Will AV’s make our streets more 以汽车为中心,还是我们可以重新设计我们的道路 places for people?

And what about regulations? 特斯拉的自动驾驶模式已经揭示了一个清晰的问题 grey zone of accountability when automobile accidents occur. 我们很容易责怪边开车边发短信的司机, 当驾驶员座位上的人不一定在开车时,谁能对交通事故负责? Cities all over the world 是否对采用这些技术表现出兴趣,使其变得越来越重要 regulations to provide security throughout uncertain times.


Re-Imagine with Augmented Reality

我们关注的另一个关键技术是增强现实和虚拟现实行业. 这些技术为几乎所有行业创造了广泛的机会,从 public art to on-demand shopping. 在城市建设领域,AR/VR可以在各种规模上进行整合 BIM to wayfinding.  While there is certainly a massive hype 围绕这项技术,它在地面上会是什么样子? 这些工具是否能够无缝地工作,或者它们在实现时是否会失败? 当涉及到“虚拟攻略”时,将会出现像纹理这样的触觉内容 visually translate in AR?  建筑师和规划师习惯于使用3D模型,但在它们完成之前永远无法体验它们的空间. What will this mean for client-architect relations?


As we pivot towards a new era of design and technology, 我们很高兴能探索这些进步的广泛影响. 行业创新正以闪电般的速度发生,我们不仅睁大眼睛看着, but we are excited to say that we are helping to pave the way.

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