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AG平台今天宣布,它将使用微软Azure作为其向技术驱动型设计公司转型的一部分, and the ongoing rollout of the firm’s Strategic Plan.


May 9, 2019

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TORONTO, ON (May 9, AG平台(TSX:IBG)今天宣布,它将使用微软Azure作为其向技术驱动型设计公司转型的一部分, and the ongoing rollout of the firm’s Strategic Plan. IBI Group将在Azure上托管其最近发布的两款软件即服务(SaaS)产品. 该公司还在该平台内部开发了一系列生产力聊天机器人, taking advantage of Azure’s intelligence services, including the Microsoft AI Platform, Cognitive Services and Azure Machine Learning, as well as its hosting capabilities. Azure平台为IBI Group的SaaS产品组合提供了一个进入市场的渠道, Azure团队提供广泛的全球营销和技术支持网络.

As one of the key pillars of IBI Group’s Strategic Plan, 该公司正在将技术和改进的流程应用于其核心的专业咨询业务. IBI Group’s series of industry-leading chatbots, developed in-house by its Design Technology team, 是为了提高员工的效率和生产力,让他们更专注于项目交付和工作的创造性. Innovating within Azure, AG平台的聊天机器人开发团队已经将Azure机器人框架扩展到该公司的2,600 staff through Microsoft Teams; leading the AEC industry in chatbot development and adoption.

该公司战略转型的第二个支柱是推出一套SaaS产品,在公司设计的资产的整个生命周期中增加收入流. Two of these recently launched products – InForm by IBI Group and TravelIQ – will be hosted in Microsoft. InForm 资产管理解决方案是否适用于建筑和交通部门. TravelIQ, launched publicly today, 旅行者信息解决方案是否适合运输代理和私营部门客户. AG平台还在其高速公路收费解决方案中使用Azure来托管客户自助服务网站, and provide disaster recovery services to toll operators.

“微软一直是我们重要的合作伙伴,我们将继续引领行业在我们业务的各个领域采用技术,” said Scott Stewart, IBI Group CEO. “Using Microsoft Azure, both internally through our chatbot development team, and to bring our SaaS products to market, 为我们提供了一个支持和专业知识的全球框架,使我们能够加快创新的步伐.”

Suzanne Gagliese, Vice President One Commercial Partner, Microsoft Canada, said, “We are pleased to be a part of IBI’s technology transformation. 与他们的聊天机器人开发团队合作,使我们能够以新的方式共同创新,并进一步探索平台的功能. 我们期待通过微软Azure继续合作和支持IBI的新产品组合.”

Microsoft is also part of the Smart City Sandbox, serving as technology provider. Conceived and developed by IBI Group, the Smart City Sandbox unites like-minded, 公共和私营部门合作伙伴共同开发创新的新产品和解决方案,重点提高城市环境中的生活质量.

 欲了解更多信息或与AG平台专业人士交谈,请联系Julia Harper or 647-330-4706.

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